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Set up Your Map

Step 2 on Setting Up Your Mission

Vanessa avatar
Written by Vanessa
Updated over a week ago

With this step you can create the mission pathway on the map by clicking points to build your own custom route.

Plotting your path

  • Find the location on the map that you want to start from. It pays to zoom right into this location so that you get an accurate starting point.

  • Click on the map at the point you want your mission to start from. A marker should appear.

  • Continue to click on the map to build the pathway. Note the distance increase each time you plot a point on the map.

  • When you are happy with the mission pathway, click the "Next: Mission Information" button. You can always come back and edit the map later on if you wish.

  • If you are creating a detailed map, we would suggest setting up your mission with a couple of points on the map, and then editing the map later (burger menu at the top right of your mission page, then select 'edit mission'). You will then be able to save your progress regularly and won't be at risk of losing anything!

Important points

  • Once your map is created it can be edited at any time

  • You can only edit the map by undoing or adding points

  • "Snap to Roads" is on by default. This means that your pathway between the points that you plot will follow the road network. You can turn Snap to Roads off if you want to go in straight lines instead. You can switch between the two options if you wish.

  • Warning! If you hit the "reset" button, your mission pathway will completely disappear.

  • The "Undo" button removes the last point you plotted on the map.

  • You can plot as many points on the map as you wish.

  • Points on the map are not waypoints on the mission. They are only used to create the mission. You can add your milestones/waypoints once you have completed the mission setup.

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