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How to set up, maintain and troubleshoot your FitBit connection

Tim Cleaver avatar
Written by Tim Cleaver
Updated over a week ago

Connecting with FitBit

Log in to your account and go to the main menu

Select “My Connections”

Follow the rest of the instructions to connect to the app of your choice.

Please note that we don't warrant the accuracy or reliability of 3rd party connections. Mostly they work great but we urge you to test them out during your free trial to ensure they work how you expect. Please also read the support material for each connection. You can search for it from the main knowledge base.

FitBit Troubleshooting

Here are some things to check to make sure Fitbit posts to your mission correctly.

Please be aware that Fitbit will post to your mission once per 24 hours at 2am. It will back date to the distance to the previous day. Your first Fitbit distance will be posted to your mission the day after you connect your Fitbit account to MVM.

  1. Make sure that that you have established the connection between My Virtual Mission and Fitbit. This can be done in the "My connections" area.

  2. Make sure that the time zone of your Fitbit account matches with the time zone of your MVM account. This is very important for data accuracy.

  3. Make sure that for each mission that you want your Fitbit data to post to, that your posting preferences are set up correctly. See this article about posting preferences. The default setting is to post all data to all missions so unless you have changed anything, you will be set up ok.

  4. Make sure that you sync your Fitbit device daily with your Fitbit account. We check Fitbit around 2am your time to collect the data from your Fitbit account for the previous day and apply it to your mission. If there is no data for that day in your Fitbit account at the time we check for it then nothing will come through. Even if you sync once per week, it will only bring in the data for the previous day. ( we are working on some changes around this)

  5. If you are on a group mission, check with the mission admin that they are allowing Fitbit as a source and check they allow the exercise type such as walking (or whatever you are trying to post) to the mission. Some admins elect to disable some sources and types e.g. 'Strava only" missions that don't want people posting walking distances.

  6. If you are still experiencing difficulty, please try
    1. Disconnecting Fitbit from your MVM account (Main menu, My Connections, Fitbit)
    2. Deleting the MVM app from your device and reinstalling
    3. Deleting the Fitbit app from your device and reinstalling
    4. Re-establishing the connection with Fitbit

  7. Please also check that your privacy settings in you Fitbit account are not preventing Fitbit from sending us your data.

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